January 24, 2024

The Startup Sitemap: The Exact Sitemap to Create for Startup Websites

What is good y'all John the Saunders here! You know the Vibes!

In today's video, if you're a startup keep watching because I'm going to show you how to develop your sitemap. I'm going to show you the main cohesive and core pages you need for a successful website launch. And I'm giving you the template for FREE. So let's dive into my computer, let me walk you through this process.

Leveraging ChatGPT

All right y'all so I've been building startup websites for 10 plus years. You pretty much see the same thing across the board in regards to what works and how to scale your efforts. And so, I'm using and leveraging chat GPT to show you this process and how to create the main core pages for your website and how to generate a sitemap.

After this, at the end you can get the link to the sitemap to be able to use this in your own projects. And I hope that helps in your buildout. So after a bunch of inquiries, I finally come up with the solid or core sitemap that we want to go through.

There's a creator or an entrepreneur, his name is Russell Brunson he's come up with a lot of really great digital concepts in regards to creating high quality landing pages that convert. So we've created something that's a hybrid between what he does and then a hybrid of what we've seen in the marketplace in the last 10 years.

And so here's the initial sitemap that we have. Here's the final output from chat GPT based on our inquiries, just to show you what this looks like. The primary inquiry was creating a sitemap for a startup in the B2C. Business to Consumer space involves identifying the key pages and functionality.

We looked for a sitemap for Startup in the B2C space, of course I say please for the AI because when Skynet does come I want to make sure that I'm spared.But anyway, so after a few inquiries and questions and relaying what we needed out of this based on topical research and competitive analysis in the space this is the final sitemap that we came about.

Of course on the homepage this is going to be almost like a sales styles page so you want to have an attention grabbing headline, engaging sub headline, you know sales video or image, benefits and features of the product, social proof and so forth. And so these are the main details of the homepage, you want to make sure you have this in any startup.

Some type of call to action, like book a demo or get started. A lead capture form and then any additional information, as well as FAQs to answer a lot of their questions so I don't have to do those on the inquired call. Then on the product services page we've got detailed descriptions of each service or product.

Benefits and features of each offering, case studies or examples and in secondary call to action to book a demo or contact form and info. You can also do sub pages for this as well, but we're going to keep this really simple and topical so we're going to have products/services.

Of course about us, people want to know who's running the company. Is it someone that's really top level or someone that's a startup space that has done really well for themselves, we want to make sure that we encapsulate that as well. And of course any support info blog and news, policies and legal, and then contact.

So this is the revised structure that we've done. So now we have a pretty thought out main page and content for this, so I'm going to show you the second tool here, it's called Relume. Relume is an amazing tool that we've been using for the past I'd say a year or so to develop our sitemaps in real time. It's a really great online community, they've got a library of Webflow components, which is a website platform.

They have a great way to write website copy and Figma so they're leveraging a lot of these tools and GPTs to develop these products that really are helpful throughout this process. So I'm going to go here, I'll link this below in the description as well, but ultimately I'm going to go to Relume library, you do have to sign up pricing correlated to this you can do one project for free, so you can test it out play around with it. But trust me it's well worth the money that it costs.

Anyway, I'm going to go into here and I'm going to go into my access library here, and I'm going to go into site builder. This is going to help me build and develop my sitemap. So here I am in the canvas, I can go ahead and generate my sitemap, so what I'm going to say is, let's create a site map for a B2C company called ABC company. Here are the specifics for each page. 

Currently right now in here we have one page, right, we have the homepage that's one, we have products that's two, about three, support four, this is maybe six, seven, policies are eight, nine, and the contact would be ten. So we have about 10 pages here, so I'm just going to copy this, right, and then we want to make sure we structure it properly so that the AI can scrape this data properly to get the information we need.

So let's go ahead and pop this in here, now we've got the details, page one is a homepage and then we have this, right, we have that. We do have to organize this a little bit structurally so it performs well. So let's go ahead and do that here. Okay, so what I've done is I've gone in and I've organized it by page and section here. As you can see I've broken It up by page five, then the details, here page six, then the details and so forth.

Number of pages are going to be between 5 and 10. So if you have seven pages I would shoot for 5 to 10 because there's going to be extras. For example, you have the blog, overall blog page, then you have the individual blog for that architecture. So take into account anything that will live inside the CMS or the content management system. Now once that's done, I'm going to hit generate and it's going to generate the homepage first and then all the architecture for the main pages on the website. 

As you can see home is being populated here, then we have products, about, support, blog policy, content blog post, right. So we have blog news and blog posts, which is the individual blog here. And as you can see it's already created all these sections here. So we have the hero section, we have the feature, features list, customer logos, CTA, CTA form, feature section, FAQ section, CTA, looks great!

So now I can go through this specifically and just go through each line, but as you can see it's done this really quickly for me. Now, the dope part about this is I can hit continue generating pages and now it's going to generate all the individual sections of all of those sub pages for me. So once this is done and organized, I'm going to put this in a doc for you to be able to access, so you can use this. 

But this is essentially the template that you can use for most startups. Of course, they're going to range and change based on what's needed. But this is going to give you an overall catalyst that you can use to then refine based on the client. So product service is about, now what we can also do here is I'm going to hit add here, and I'm going to go ahead and put footer menu, cuz we probably don't need all of these in the main navigation.

So we're going to put main navigation here, and then we're going to have home of course, products, about. Support I think can go in the footer, so I'm just going to drag that here, put it right there. I'm just going to delete this page cuz we don't need that. And then I'm also going to add policies in legal because we don't need that either. 

For contact, I would probably call this book a demo and then put contact in parenthesis, that way we know that that's that main CTA. Of course we have products, about, blog news, book a demo. And then we can also add sub pages for these services or the specific services that are offered, that could be something that we include as well.

There are some things in here that probably don't belong I would say, this e-commerce product selection is probably not useful. But we have the header section, we have features list, we have case study list and then we have CTA section. So this is a pretty solid structure for a startup.

You have the home, which is going to be the main sales page, that's going to be the catalyst for everything else that you do. You have product services and you could potentially have sub pages here, that you can build out into the framework. You have the about page, which will have team sections, you can also add job listings as well.

So for example, we have an overview of job listing section here, career opportunities and information on company culture to attract potential employees. We can to also say, “hey! let's do a job listings page”. It's going to base all that data on all of this aggregate information here, then I can hit generate and then that's going to be a sub page here that the user could potentially click through to get more information on job listings. 

And also we have a contact form here, locations, section, locations section, logo list section, of course with social media profiles. And so you can see the structure is done really well in regards to the overview. And now I have a job listing page here, also for that about. We can also add like team sub section. So there's a lot you can do here in regards to this buildout. And what we'll do here, is we'll send this piece to the client for review.

But ultimately this is going to give you a really great framework to work from. Now, if you want to go a step further with this tool called Relume. You can also build out a wireframe based on the pages, which is really awesome. We really move from sitemap to high fidelity, meaning what the site is actually going to look like. So we don't necessarily use this tool as often as the main framework.

But it's a great way to visualize a lot of the components in the sitemap you're creating for the client. And it just does an amazing job at this, y'all it's this tool is phenomenal! And I'm not even a spokesperson for it. I use it in the agency and it's helped us exponentially, in this last year. Really grow and develop skills and move faster and ideate really quickly when it comes to clients. So here's the main sitemap.

I'll go through this one more time and then you'll be able to access this. But again we have a hero header section, feature section, feature list and so forth. We have the product page, the about, blog news, book a demo and then we have the blog post and then we have a job listings page that we added as well and of course the footer menu.

Now when I look at the wireframe here,  in real time you can see what that looks like. Of course we have the homepage, we have the products and services, we have stories and testimonials, we also have the about us, where you can meet the team, their current job openings. Then we have the overall join our team or job page, blogs news, blog post, book a demo.

It's really great! You can actually push this to Figma and Webflow which is really awesome. But just a really great tool to be able to use. But this is the benchmark for what a great B2C website would include. Of course you can incorporate other pages like sub pages for the products and services. But this is going to be a really great start, to get you down the road to success.

Thank y'all for checking out the video! If you haven't yet make sure you SUBSCRIBE! If you have questions drop them below, if not I will see you next week, peace!